Product Description
3M Vanish XT Extended Contact Varnish is a light-cured site-specific enamel and dentin coating that provides immediate protection of tooth surfaces. Offering protection beyond the coating, this tooth sensitivity treatment helps prevent demineralization and white spot lesions. Vanish XT Extended Contact Varnish is virtually invisible on the tooth surface and releases fluoride, calcium and phosphate.
- Treatment of exposed root surface sensitivity.
- Site-specific protective coating for newly erupted teeth and other toothsurfaces (e.g., around orthodontic brackets and acid erosion), includingnon-cavitated lesions.
- Delivers fluoride, calcium and phosphate
- Creates a barrier against demineralization and acid erosion* *Based on in vitro data
- Helps repair demineralized enamel* *Based on in vitro data
- Provides protection beyond the coating
- Coating remains for 6 months or longer
- Moisture-tolerant